Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Single camera drama

Task 1.

A single camera program is a program that has been filmed with only one camera throughout the whole program. There are many advantages of using one camera firstly it is cheaper as you don't need to use lots of film in many different cameras and also you don't need lots of cameras as you are only using one. It is also easier to edit as there

will only be one roll of film so you don't need to get bits from different bits of film and have to put them all together. Also their is no places that you cant film on the set as in multi camera formats

as you will not want to film in a place where there is a camera in the way unlike with a single camera where you are only filming with one.There are also advantages of using several cameras such asnot having to move the camera around like you would need to do during a single camera show. Also when editing it will be quicker as you can have people working on other pieces of film so more work can be done

Shows that use single camera techniques.Friends Malcolm in the middle my name is earl.

Programs that use multi camera techniques.
Coronation street Easterners sports programs suc

h as football rugby golf and tennis.
Single camera techniques will mostly be used in films as there are many different shots required as you are limited to shots mostly mid shots ands

hots of multiple people as you don't need shots like extreme close

ups or long shots. Multi camera formats would mostly be found in shows

with a live audience such as comedy or talk show as then they can show you the crowds reaction if

something is funny.
Task 2
TV and radio shows that are called serials are shows which mainly follow main story arcs/ narratives throughout most or all of the series. A series is several episodes that run under the same title shows like Easterners coronation street and the inbetweeners can be classed as a series however Easterners and the inbetweeners can be class

ed as both a serial and a series. A single drama is a one of episode where all the story is toldso th

ere is no more episodes.

Task 3.

The T.V program Dallas uses cliffhangers to end to end severa

l episodes. There are many other shows that use cliffhangers as well so that people will watch the next episode lots of soaps use cliffhangers such as Eastenders Coronation street and Emadale they use this to keep people watching and so that the next episode flows better.

The three videos have different narrative structure and all use different and similar techniques,
The first narrative drama it follows a linear storyline. The black and white effect gives the audience the belief that the video is a flashback but throughout the video there is no part that shows it is a flashback. The story line follows a type of realism as the man is clearly lonely and in the end kills himself this shows the lengths people will go who are lonely.

Towards the end of the video when the man kills himself video do

esn't really follow the pattern of narratives like at the start of the video and the death can be classed as the climax of the video.The second video follows the same narrative as the firsthowever the narrative is a non linear pattern and uses subjective narration this is used to make the audience feel like they are in the video as well they can judge the man for them self's and not jump to any conclusions that he is the same as the man in the first video.

Loneliness is the theme of the video like the first one which is show through the different camera angles such as the tracking shots, point of viewshots and close ups to help the audience see what the character is feeling the video ends on a cliffhanger so that the audience will wonder what happens.

The third video.uses lots of different clips The vid

eo follows both a linear and non linear narrative this is so that the audience will be won

dering what will happen next there are flashbacks in this vi


eo which are used to attract people to the show because by showing the shows best parts more people would watch the programme. The flashbacks also giv

e information about the program so people will know what recently happened. the video follows no distinctive narrative pattern The video is very antirealist as the story's are fiction and do not matter in real life the video uses restricted information which is typical for this type of genre.

Task 4: Using the information below write or record a commentary or create a presentation on one of the following clips. Explain how the following are used to good effect

The video i watched was the La Valise i think this advert was very good as it looked very professional as all the clips were edited well and when they changed it was instantly and no gaps in-between. The video was good as it was very mysterious you with people referring to a suitcase as just the suitcase so you wonder what is in the suitcase also the person who seems to be the boss and wanting people to deliver the suitcase face is never showing so you wonder who it is. The effects on the video make it look very good as it comes from the view that someone is watching the person and following them. The lighting is very good as when the lighting is dark it makes the video look very mysterious and the lighting is very bright in the room with the boss this makes it look like the other people are being interrogated as the boss is mad about them loosing the suitcase also just before the video ends the boos leaves through a garage door as the door opens the sunlight comes through very bright and with the music that is being played it seems that the person is about to leave and start a new life. The music makes the video better as it fits in with what's happening as when the camera keeps switching from the person with the suitcase and the ninja when the music keep changing from a soft and calm to fast and intense as one person is walking and the other is running after the other person this makes you know that the person is being chased.

TASK 5 Watch the clip. What are some of the differences in technology available to modern audiences? With the advent of new media, why has it become more difficult to reach a broad target audience

Since television was first created it has changed hugely it seems a long time ago when there was only three channels now on subscription services like Sky and Virgin where there are hundreds and hundreds of channels which has made it a lot harder for companies to reach a very large audience when advertising on TV. As when there was only three

channels a there would be a lot more people watching one channel than nower days because the choice has increased so much. When there was only three channels each channel could get 10 to 20 million viewers so they can reach a larger audience now to reach those kind of audiences they would need to advertise on about ten channels.

Changes in technology has affected this as well as because of the Internet, mobile phones, and computers people can watch TV where ever they are on the intern

et or if they buy DVDs so they wont watch TV as much.

TV channels cannot make as much money of advertising and no

w rely on other ways to make more money like subscription fees on Sky and Virgin making shows available to watch online for a fee sometimes and selling the show as DVD boxsets. Since the media has expanded I think it is a good thing as channels might have lost ratings but TV is more available to people and there is a lot wider choice.

TASK 6: Recreate the classification table above and add an extra column and call it ‘media consumption’, in this section comment on the type of programming they would consume from TV and Radio in addition to commenting on newspaper’s magazines and the internet.
Create a profile for someone of your own age but the opposite gender and write it as a separate paragraph underneath.


Task 7: Write a report with screen-shots, detailing the equipment and software you will be using and how you intend to use it

For our film we will be using several different programs on the co

mputers such as i movie i tunes audacity and garage band each of thes
e pro
grams will help make our film better as we wi
ll use i movie to first import our clips and we can use it to edit our clips so we can change parts of it that we don't like. We will use i tunes to covert and import music that we will be using in our film and also we can store sound clips if we choose to use. We will
use the program Audacity to edit the sound on our film as we
can change the pitch and volume of voices if they aren't clear on the original film. We will be using the program garage band to add and edit sound clips in o
ur film we can also use it to mix music.We will be using a variety of different equipment to fil
m our film we will be using a DVX-100-b camera this will be one of the best cameras that we can use as it has a good sound quality and picture qualit
y this will make our film to a more professional standard and to a higher quality. We will use a tripod also so that the camera will be steady and if there is a point in our film where there is no one to film then we can stand it up and film.

Task 8. Write a treatment and script for your single-camera production.

Objective. The following is a proposal of a short film
m involving several Friends going out into the woods planning on cam
ping there for the night. The night doesn't go as planned when the group start tacking drugs and people start to disappear the objective of the film is to capture the emotio
ns and terror of the group of friends when things start to happen.
Setting:Quiet woods in west Yorkshire in the night
and following morning in mid spring 2010.

Time duration:Between 5 and 6 minuets (300) seconds.

Description: Our film will be about the experiences of four teenagers who are on there way to a place where they are planning on camping out. The trip
s a turn for the worse as after the teenagers start tacking drugs and they sta
rt disappearing.We will be using many different camera shots so it is like viewers ar
e one of the grou
p. We will use an establishing shot so viewers will know where the film is set and also
close ups mid shots and shots with multiple people in so viewers can see what the teenagers are doing.
We will also use different shots such as over the shoulder shots so
people will know that somethin
g strange is happening.

Task 9: Create a storyboard for your production

Story Board.

Task 10: You must create a production schedule, this will help you set some targets and will also keep everybody who is in the production, informed of what is happening when.

Production schedule.

Task 11: Complete the relevant health and safety paperwork


Task 12: Creating your single-camera production

Task 13: Evaluation.

For my single camera drama i think i did achieve my purpose as the task was to create a single camera drama and that is what i did i think our drama is quite good but there are some parts i would like to have been better.
For my drama i got three piece of feedback the first said it was good they liked the music as they said "It was fitting with the story" as well the editing fitted with the shots of them people dancing and the lighting changed it made the place look like what the people would be feeling like. It needed some improvements as at one point a clip was cut too shot so you couldn't see the person run off.
The second piece of feed back was positive again as they said it was a good piece of work with a clear plot so you know what's going on it could do with some more speaking though as you cannot tell what some people are saying very well at some points.
The final piece of feedback was positive and negative they liked the video up to the point where two people are at the top of a hill as because there isn't much talking you don't understand straight away that they are fighting and after one of them has fallen over the other just walks off.
In our film we didn't give any major positive or negative messages but some people could think we gave out negative messages about drugs after seeing what happened to one of the characters.
Our video only stared males as we were in a small group and we got some help from friends.
We only had one ethnic group.
The music tracks we had in our film helped as they fit what was happening at different stages of the film.
The locations were important for our video as we needed somewhere that the main character would be able to run of into ands this wouldn't have been possible on the streets.
The language wasn't very important for our target audience but it fit the fill ok.
i think our video did look realistic as we had good effects on the film so people could see what it would be like to be the main character.
When editing our film we did realise that some of the vices were a bit quiet so we had to just make sure that we had speaking at the main points that we needed it so people would know what was going on. We didn't cut of anyones voices.
The camera work was fine in our film only in a couple of points were there things in the way or the camera was shacking which we didn't know about at the time.
The people that have watched our film haven't been board and have said there was enough content to fill the advert so people are interested throughout.
We didn't need to use an external mic.
Our editing is good and i think it makes the film better as the transitions look better than just the shots skipping to another.
The titles we used were appropriate fonts as they made the video look more like a film.
i think in this type of genre there isn't that much that you would expect to see if it was a video showing the bad sides of drugs you would expect to see negative effect on someone and maybe something happen to they which is what happened in our film.
In a professional film i think the things that would be the same would basically be the main plot some friends have some pills have a good time but then the bad effects kick in and one goes missing.
A professional company would have advantages over us as they would have better equipment , locations a bigger budget so they could hire more people to be in the film and better editing software.
The main narrative in our film was equilibrium and disruption as at the start everything is ok but after they have the drugs the disruption starts when the person runs off but it is never resolved as he is just left there.
i would regard our film as single strand.
i didn't learn any new skills making this film.
I think i did well i think my acting was ok at some points but at other it needed improving i think i was also a good team member as i took an equal part in all tasks.
I was prepared to listen to others opinions as it would benefit the group.
if i was to make another film like this in the future i would plan it better as we didn't have as many clips as we would like when editing.

1 comment:

  1. Merit…
    M1 Single camera productions explained with reference to well chosen examples expressing ideas with clarity and with generally appropriate use of subject terminology.
    M2 Single camera production planned effectively and competently, showing some imagination and with only occasional assistance.
    M3 Single camera drama produced to a good technical standard showing some imagination and with only occasional assistance.
